Film Work

Since leaving film school in 2015, James has worked as a director and editor on numerous film, television and online projects. Below is just a small sample of James’ work.


Melvyn - Short Film

Written and Directed by James Albarn and starring Clifford Hume and Ewen Macintosh, Melvyn won awards at short film festivals across the UK. A comedy short film with the unique title of being the only (that we know of) Spaghetti Western about driving instructors from the West Country.

Tom Williams - The Scala - Short Documentary

Directed, Shot & Edited by James Albarn, this short documentary tells the story of Tom Williams, his band and their 2019 gig at London’s Scala.

LG OLED TV - Television Commercial

Produced by creative agency Brand & Deliver, James co-produced and edited numerous television commercials for LG.

Jon Holstead - YouTube

James is a regular editor for Jon Holstead’s YouTube channel of 82,000 subscribers, including all the videos in his current series Making As Much Money As Possible Starting From Zero.

85975 - Paint Factory - Music Video

Co-Produced with George Kerridge, James directed and edited the official music video for Paint Factory’s first single, 85975.

Intel - Online Content

Produced by Brand & Deliver and edited by James Albarn, Intel CEO, Bob Swan, and Senior VP & Chief Architect, Raja Koduri, outline the broader vision of Intel® Graphics.

Black History School - Online Educational Series

Produced by Humblebee Creative, James edited the entire series of The Black History School, an online educational platform welcoming families of all races to learn about Black history in a positive, comprehensive and balanced way through their online videos.

Me & Mr. Claus - Short Documentary

Directed, Shot & Edited by James Albarn, Me & Mr. Claus tells the story of Clifford Hume as he inhabits the role of one of the world's most iconic figures, Santa Claus, finding out what it’s like to slip on the magical red cloak every year and whether there is more to playing the role than one might think.

Toybox - Kamari Romeo - Visual Album

Produced & Created by Kamari Romeo and edited by James Albarn, Toybox is a visual album comprising of poems on film, written at 10 ages by 5 care leavers. A 22-minute visual spoken word album with music & puppetry, looking at experiences of British childhood.

Hockey Psychology - YouTube

James regularly edits videos for Hockey Psychology, a YouTube channel with 180,000 subscribers featuring breakdowns, discussions and deep dives on the subject of The National Hockey League.

TLG: The Tipping Point - Online Educational Content

Produced by Brand & Deliver for The Liminality Group and Edited by James Albarn, The Tipping Point is an online educational platform dedicated to telling the stories of real people doing real jobs and the skills needed to get them.

Radeon RX Vega - Online Content

Produced by Brand & Deliver & Edited by James Albarn, numerous videos were produced for Radeon’s RX Vega Graphics Card campaign.

Wonder - Zoe Wren - Music Video

Directed and Edited by James Albarn, the official video for Zoe Wren’s single Wonder was shot by James Westlake and featured Zoe and a very well trained hare named Odin!

The History Lord - YouTube + TikTok

Alongside Clifford Hume, James regularly produces history videos for The History Lord channel on YouTube and TikTok. The History Lord has over 26,000 subscribers across both platforms.